
Dayatech Merin Sdn Bhd is a private limited company incorporated in 21st August 2007. Madam Petty Officer Syarida Amirnudin is Veteran TLDM (Navy) with 15 years of Logistic and magnetic Engineering experience is the driving force Dayatech Merin with vibrant Bumiputra vision for Malaysian Defense. Having realized requirement for Defense Industry in magnetic, noise, and acoustic in engineering design, procurement and maintenance available those services for the local and region market. Including sea mine trading and technologies.

Since the incorporation Dayatech Merin has been aggressively pushing their mission to integrating Ex-Navy professionals produce national product. To achieve the aspiration, the corporation has outlined that the performance is the core corporation culture. By adoption of the culture, the corporation has also committed to achieve it through high skilled technology policies, implementation Def-Stan documentations and alliances with reputable technology providers.

In 2010, Dayatech Merin engaged Theyanith Ramasamy former Commanding Officer of Degaussing Range Lumut to be Head of Engineering Director considering his experience of 25 years as weapon and electrical engineering responsibility on Ship Degaussing System and Measurement Range for Royal Malaysian Navy. He has furthermore been exclusively trained by the OEM POLYAMP AB, Sollentuna, Sweden.

In 2013, Dayatech Merin appointed Commander Mohamad Sobri Hasan as CEO with 26 years of experience and trained in Degaussing field at Glasgow Scotland. He tasks to develop the capabilities locally for Malaysian Defense industry on this field on degaussing for Malaysia and ASIAN region. He also tasked to training young engineer and executive to be the apprentice in the Magnetic Engineering field.

Dayatech Merin partnership with Polyamp Sweden for technology development.

Dayatech Merin trusted by DA Group Finland to modernizing Sea Mine and technology in ASIAN region.

Dayatech Merin engaged with STRIDE in R&D to enhance magnetic Technology for Equator region and safety of Naval ships from mine-warfare.

Dayatech Merin target to be billion-dollar company with peace keeper policy to ASIAN region and drive military technology for civilian benefit spiritually.